Country | Standard |
France, much of Latin Europe | 123 456 789,00 |
Germany, the Netherlands | 123.456.789,00 |
the U.K., the U.S. | 123,456,789.00 |
India | 12,34,56,789 |
(more details at here)
In the past, financial and accounting industries in the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese speaking countries have employed the U.K./U.S. standard. It is understandable when computer systems had little resources for such customization. But now Windows and Mac OS have been completely translated. Windows even supports various decimal separating schemes described above, including the Indian numeral system (see screenshot). I have to wonder why isn't the East Asian scheme supported. I am disappointed in two groups of people because of this.
- Microsoft.
They're supposed to be the leader of software localization. They have failed to do it. - Speakers of these three East Asian languages.
Just because some people who work in the financial industry or some of the bilingual people are accustomed to the U.K./U.S. format does not justify its usage in these three language. There is not enough root-grass demand for a change.
See also 數字多位分節之我見.
This has been debated on the style guide discussion on the Chinese Wikipedia. I will counter some of the arguments against the "a-comma-per-4-digit" scheme.
Hindu-Arabic numeral isn't a Chinese thing to begin with
No, it is not. But it isn't a European thing in the beginning either. The Europeans adopted it and eventually the thousand separator evolved out of need and natural linguistic construction. And the Indians use a system different from the Europeans'? Why? Because it's how they say it!
A comma for every three digit is an established world standard
Wrong! As the table above shows, there are several standards.
Chinese pride has blinded your judgment
If there were any blind pride, I would argue not to use any Hindu-Arabic numeral at all in the first place.
Chinese speakers are accustomed to read and write the U.K/U.S. system
It is so only because there has not been any alternative. Trust me, if you're a native Chinese speaker and you start reading and writing like 1,2345,6789, you will get used to 4-digit-per-comma very soon. Imagine this:
Item | Numeral, U.K/U.S. | Numeral, Chinese | Chinese |
Population of Taipei | 260,0000 | 260,0000 | 260 萬 |
Population of Taiwan | 23,000,000 | 2300,0000 | 2300 萬 |
Population of China | 1,300,000,000 | 13,0000,0000 | 13 億 |
Now, which one is more natural?
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